Dr Geraint Preest

Dr Geraint Preest

Primary qualifications: BSc MB BCh DRCOG FRCGP

After leaving school, I did a 3 year degree at University College Cardiff and graduated with a BSc in Pharmacology. I then went to Medical School in Cardiff and qualified as a Doctor in 1992. I am a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners and hold the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (which came in handy when I unexpectedly delivered my second son at home). I have been trained in acupuncture by the British Medical Acupuncture Society. My medical interests include minor surgery and medical education. I perform vasectomies for the region at the Pencoed Clinic.

As well as General Practice, I also work for the British Medical Journal as the GP Editor of BMJ Onexamination.com - a revision resource for Doctors sitting postgraduate medical exams. I am member of Coeliac UK's Health Advisory Council and an MSc External Examiner for the University of South Wales. I am a Welsh speaker and I'm happy to hold consultations in Welsh. I have 4 grown up children and live in Cardiff with my wife, who is also a Doctor returning to frontline medicine after taking time out to bring up our children. My hobbies include cycling, playing the guitar, listening to music of all kinds and I love great food (which just about rules out anything I've cooked for myself).